Sunday, April 14, 2013

Full Circle

I can't believe where I am right now, sitting in my room at SNC, having had one full week of Kindergarten in the states already under my belt. I can't even describe this odd feeling within me...I was just in Costa Rica and so much has changed in my life already. The fast-paced American culture really sweeps one up fast.

Getting ready to leave our last morning was an emotional time. Of course the beautiful sun was shining calling us to a new day. Kayla and I had a relaxing a lovely breakfast with Mami, finishing a little packing and took a walk around the yard for the last time. Kayla and I climbed to the balcony and took in the gorgeous site we had been waking up to every day for the past 3 months. A cousin of the family, Reynaldo, had offered to drive us to the airport so once he arrived it was a couple very sad and hard "goodbyes" to Mami and Papi, and we were off. On our way, Rey got Kayla and I our last Agua de Pipa before leaving, which was refreshing! Driving to the airport was surreal; I didn't actually feel like we were leaving. Even being on the plane felt unreal. As soon as Kayla and I flew into Charlotte I knew we were definitely not in Costa Rica anymore. I felt....disappointed. I noticed right away what I did not miss about the US. People consumed in their own little worlds. Granted, you will find this almost anywhere, but it's so evident here in everyday interactions. However, instead of dwelling on the faults in American society, I will work to maintain the beautiful lifestyle practices that I lived amongst in my time abroad.

You know something? I don't think I will stop missing Costa Rica. Ever. I think about it every day. There exists air of peace, patience, love, and tranquility. I now understand why our friend, Patricio the "Gringo," would tell us that this place is "el centro del mundo" (the center of the world). Every time something even remotely stressful came our way or a mistake was made, the first thing to come from someone was, "tranquilo/a." Tranquil. Don't worry. Have peace within yourself. There's no reason to fret. This attitude reminds me of the beautiful serenity prayer:

"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next."

--Reinhold Niebuhr
 It is not hard to become worried about trivial things in life, but Costa Rica taught me that each moment is a blessing and one to enjoy, right here, right now. I want to be present in the now for the rest of my life and I don't want to miss a moment worrying about what hasn't been.

During this past week I have already felt the pressure of scheduling, planning, getting all my ducks in a row, and having all my stuff "together." When I was in Costa Rica, none of my ducks were in row, every day was a new adventure and a new challenge, and you know what? I felt happier than ever because I was discovering things about myself and about people and that is more important to me now than ever. I have a renewed sense of self, purpose, and passion for living mostly because of all the people that came into my life over the past 2 and half months. Thanks to all these new people in my life, I am reawakened to the possibilities in life, and have been brought closer to God by their beautiful hearts. When I think about my experiences in life, I think of the people who have taught me about what it means to love one another and to love myself. So, to all my Costa Rican family and friends, THANK YOU. Words will never do justice to the impact you have made in my life. I miss you every day.

To all my family and friends in the U.S., you rock. I could not have even embarked on this adventure without the love and lessons you have taught me up until this point. You are all the reason I am fired for life everyday and willing to step outside my boundaries to continue learning more. It is a happy occasion to again say "hellos" instead of all the "goodbyes".

To everyone I say "Pura Vida;" love each moment for what it is and never stop adventuring :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"Debe comprar una maleta tan grande para 28 estudiantes."

"You should buy a bag big enough for 28 students," suggests one of my precious 3rd graders the other day as we talked again about what day I'm really leaving. Trust me kiddos, I would take you all with me to los estados in a heartbeat if possible :) Some of them have gotten accustomed to joking about them really being my children. I would be nothing but proud and completely content if I were the mom of any of them, that's how much I love these tykes.

To be honest, I have gone back in forth in my mind about writing this "almost the end" entry because I know it's going to make me cry, but you know what? Let it rain.

I knew that this point in my journey here would come fast, but there is nothing to prepare anyone for a stage like this; in between two adored families and cultures. So the flutter of emotions begins.

Last week Kayla and I didn't have school because it was Holy Week (semana santa), and you know what? I missed my students so much. Seeing my students on Monday morning almost brought tears to my eyes as I got bombarded one by one by their little bear hugs. Shortly after I was also reprimanded by them because they were worried I had left for the states already ;) I pray that my last day with them is full of much happiness and great memories they we can both share forever.

 Look at these crazies :)

"Profe Sarah,
Profe, I don't want you to go because you help me a lot and you are like a mother. I don't know without you because you are very beautiful and hopefully you return soon to visit us. I love you very much, Profesora Sarah. God bless you and protect you always. Goodbye Profe." <3

Cleaning crew!!

 As I really start to reflect on my past two and a half months here, I see the faces of people who have impacted my time here. From the moment Kayla and I stepped foot in Costa Rica we have been meeting loving people left and right. It always comes down to the relationships created with others that makes life...simply beautiful. I feel as though my heart has expanded 10 x because of my students, the Crawford family, people from church, and other friends along the journey. Forever everyone I have meet here will occupy a large piece of my heart :)

                                             Part of my wonderful, crazy Crawford fam :)

Before Kayla and I began our break for Semana Santa, we got the cool opportunity of spending a day in a technical school called La INA working with an English classroom. That day is one I will remember dearly. The students are mostly Kayla and I's age and attend another university, but take English because they find it important for the fields they are studying. I am so impressed by the ambition and passion they each had for learning a new language. I also loved how much of a close family the students were; the dynamic between them all was so beautiful to experience. They were super giddy to have us there and even prepared all these yummy snacks to enjoy during break time. The students asked Kayla and I tons of questions, we got to teach a lesson, play some ping pong, listen to music, even paint nails and do hair with the gals during free time!, and watch an English movie. I enjoyed seeing the structure of the English class and school, I think they've got a good thing going on there!

Fortunately Kayla and I got to go on some wonderful last adventures during Semana Santa, which was awesome. We spent a day in San José collecting books for our school, thanks to the wonderful church of close family friends. I can't wait to give the books to the school library on our last day!

One evening we went to Papí and Mamí's finca (farm), which is called "Mariposa" (butterfly). It was breath-taking. and honestly one of the most peaceful places I have ever been in- I could see all of Papí's passion and hard work in it. As we walked around with fresh Pipas in hand, I could not stop smiling at the magic that seemed to exist in this place. Someday I hope to have my own little piece of land like such where I can spend my time in tranquility soaking in God's beautiful work. When the sunset, Papi brought out a jar and told us that at exactly 6:05 we were going to look for lightening bugs to capture. Sure enough, right at this time we started to see huge green and yellow lights coming from the trees across the stream. These lightening bugs were not like the ones we were accustomed to from home, but were rather larger and their light came from two dots on their heads that made them look like glowing eyes. When you hold them in your hand, they "click" too. It was such a happy moment. We caught about 5 or 6 to bring home and show Mamí because it was something she would do all the time as a kid :)

At the end of the week Kayla and I took a small trip to a town called "Cahuita," where we stayed in a cabin right on "playa negra" (black beach), which is part of the Caribbean Sea. I love the Caribbean side of Costa Rica; it's a whole different culture there. I love the music, the surfing, the hammocks, the open atmosphere, and of course the beautiful sound of the sea rolling in. I could definitely see myself living on the Caribbean in a little bungalow house tucked away in some trees. When Kayla and I got to Cahuita on Thursday it was almost 6pm and we didn't really know how to get to our cabin so we took a nice long stroll through town to enjoy the site and then ask someone to direct us. Brigitte's (the name of where our cabin was) was amazing; we walked down a beaten path past a horse pasture, surf board rental shack, and small restaurant area to get to our hidden little bungalow. Kayla and I were pretty tired by the time we arrived so after a yummy dinner we just relaxed for the night.

The whole time we were in Cahuita, I felt nothing but relaxed. Without technology, connection to the outside world, and in one of the most peaceful/happy environments.  Our second day we went to the national park just a walk away from our cabin. It was a nice walk along which we saw monkeys, colorful crabs, and lovely greenery. Along the way we also got offered free surfing lessons by lifeguards on the beach!

For the rest of the day Kayla and I enjoyed time on the beach, read, checked out some shops and restaurants, and then ended our night at a reggae concert right in front of the sea :) It was a grand time!

                                                 I'll say it again, I love the Caribbean life :)

Not that our weekend wasn't great all ready, but on Easter morning we woke up at 5 to go to church. It was a wonderful service! At the end Mamí, Papí, and Ines said a little something about our time here and then everyone prayed for us. It was magnificent and teary. Afterwards, our super cousin, Xiomara took us to her weekend home in Buenos Aires (no not in Argentina :)) to visit for a bit. I love it there; out in the middle of nature, so peaceful and calm. We had some coffee, chatted, then made our way back home where we were SURPRISED with a going-away party!! It was amazing. All our family and close friends were there waiting to share stories, laughter, gifts, and food. My heart was smiling big time all day long :) All these people had welcomed us from day one and were nothing but loving and supportive our whole experience. Thank you Lord for them all. Every day it gets harder to think of leaving what life we have created here. I love it and I am not ready to leave it, but alas, thus is the beauty of life and making new connections.

                                   Los pastores (the Pastors) from our church! I love them :)

So here we are. Time to slowly pull away from the sweet reality I've known for the past 2 and half months, and the community I love so much. I get ready to leave however with a certainty that I will return. This is my second home and I will never forget what these past few months have done for my life. God is good. Life is precious and to be enjoyed in every moment, not matter what is happening. I am so thankful for every day I have spent here in this special Costa Rican culture.

Well, bring on tomorrow, the tears, the laughter, the crazy school noises, the "hasta luegos," and hugs that could go on forever.

And... let's not forget Pelota, the sweet little fluffy Crawford dog. Let's be honest, Pelota, I'll be missing you the most :)

Cheers, everyone! I pray all is peaceful and well in your hearts :) Chao.